domingo, 25 de octubre de 2009

Texto literario


In a land far away lived a beautiful princess named Snow White, who had a stepmother, the queen, very vain. The stepmother asked her magic mirror and he replied: - Thou art a queen, the fairest of all women. And the years went by. One day the queen asked her mirror as always magical - Who's the fairest? But this time the mirror replied: - The most beautiful is Snow White. Then the queen, full of anger and envy, ordered a hunter: - Take Snow White into the forest and kill her as proof of having completed my task, bring me your heart in this chest. But when they reached the woods the hunter felt sorry for the innocent young man and left him to flee, replacing his heart by a boar. Snow White, to be left alone, was frightened and cried. Weeping and spent the night walking, until dawn came to a clearing in the woods and found a neat little house there. He entered without hesitation. The furniture was very small and, on the table, there were seven little plates and seven tiny covered. She went to the bedroom, which was occupied by seven little beds. Poor Snow White, exhausted from walking all night through the forest, he gathered all the beds and fell asleep at the time. In the afternoon came the owners of the house, seven dwarfs who worked in a mine and was amazed to find Snow White. Then she told them her sad story. The dwarves begged the girl to stay with them and White agreed, went to live with them and everyone was happy. Meanwhile in the palace, the queen again asked the mirror: - Who is now the most beautiful? - Still White, who now lives in the forest at the home of the dwarfs ... Angry and vengeful as he was, the cruel stepmother disguised as innocent old woman and left for the cottage in the forest. White was alone, because the dwarves were working in the mine. The wicked queen gave her a poisoned apple and when White took the first bite, she fainted. Upon returning, at night, the dwarves to the house, they found Snow White lying on the ground, pale and still, thought I'd died and he built a glass case for all the animals of the forest could say goodbye. In that moment, a prince riding a spirited horse and just watch Snow White was smitten. He wanted to leave and suddenly kissed her, Snow White came back to life, as the kiss of love which had given the prince broke the spell of the evil Queen. Snow White married Prince and expelled the cruel queen and everyone lived happily ever since.

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